Whitehill Street West, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1PB

0161 4802142

Whitehill Primary School

Together we Shine Academically, Personally & Socially

At Whitehill Primary School, we incorporate a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) approach to our wider curriculum learning.

Wider curriculum areas of learning: Science, History, Geography, Art & D&T, are carefully planned and delivered to create cross curricular links with the aim of the children to use their knowledge and skills to solve a project based problem relating to their learning.

The children have the opportunity to lead their own research, plan, make/do, review and present their own solutions to a problem.  

End of unit projects take place each half term.

Summer 1 STEAM Projects

Year 4

Summer 2 - STEAM Project (Geography)

 Task - Create a working model of a river.

First we researched the Rivers, how they are formed and the different parts of a river.

Next we designed our river along with the areas the river would travel through.

After that we gathered the necessary materials and constructed our rivers.

Finally we tested them by adding water.

Year 4

Summer 1 - STEAM Project (History)

Task - Create a Viking longboat that can float and carry weight using the materials available for that time period.

First we researched Viking longboats and how they were made using the materials and tools available during that time period.

Next we designed our Viking longboats and thought about what materials and tools we would need.

After that we gathered the necessary materials and began constructing our longboats.

Finally it was time to test and evaluate what we had created and if it was successful or needed some improvements.

Spring 1 STEAM Projects

Year 6

Spring 1 – STEAM Project (Science)

Task - Create a system to cool myself down during the summer months?

First, we researched methods for keeping cool during the summer months. We discovered things such as: using a fan, staying in the shade and spraying yourself with cold water. We then shared our information with each other using Jamboard. We used our research to plan the most effective method for cooling ourselves down and decided that a portable handheld fan will be the most efficient. We then looked at a circuit we could use and designed how we could keep this wiring inside of a main unit. Following on from our research, we started to make our circuits. First, we had to ensure that we had all of the components. After this, we made sure everything worked together and could be turned on and off using a suitable switch. Finally, we had to carefully place these, and the power supply, into the unit and seal it. Being careful to ensure that everything stayed inside and did not move around. Finally, we reviewed our product using the following:

Was your object successful in keeping you cool during the summer? How?


Was there anything that did not work as you expected?


What changes would you make to your initial design if you were going to make this again? Why?

Year 4

Spring 1 - STEAM Project (History, Forest School and P.E.)


Task: To find a safe way to recreate the Battle of Hastings 1066 using resources available around school.

Some objects used must be made using resources and tools available during the Anglo-Saxon period.

We researched the weapons and tools used during this period of time and then used the Forest School area to scavenge and construct our weapons.

We then learnt about the battle and where it took place. We painted our faces to be intimidating to the enemy army and then used the Tag Rugby tags to safely re-enact the battle.


Autumn 2 STEAM Projects

Year 4

Task - To create a working alarm that can trigger a variety of responses. Linked to Science and D&T.

We went on a class trip to Alertacall, who invented and sell a variety of alarm systems that can be triggered by a variety of real life events. It was incredibly helpful to see real life scenarios and the alarm required for each event.

We then learnt about circuits and how they work including the various components and their roles in a circuits.

We drew up plans for our Alarms and the circuits we would need for them.

We then built, tested and reviewed our alarm systems.

Autumn 1 STEAM Projects

Year 5

Task: make some clothing that is suitable to climb a mountain.

 As part of our STEAM project, Year 5 focussed on trying to make material suitable for climbing Ben Nevis. First, we investigated what the weather conditions would be like up there. After this, we looked at materials that would be suitable for these conditions. We decided that using something that was warm, waterproof and comfortable would be best. We used our D&T skills to join different layers of material together. Ensuring it was still suitable for the purpose. Finally, we presented our project to Year 4 and Year 6, giving us the opportunity to explain our thought process and answer any questions people had. 

Year 4

As part of the wider curriculum, Year 4 have been learning about the River Nile and states of matter. To build on prior knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians (from Year 3) and Materials, our end of unit project was to use natural resources available to the Ancient Egyptians to create a dam to stop the River Nile from flooding. First, we research dams and how they were built. We collected our ideas together using Jamboard and presented them as post-its. Next, we planned and drew our dams so we knew what materials we would need and how it was going to look. Then, we collected natural resources from our forest school and created the dams in our class trays as they make ideal containers to simulate a river. We then poured 1 litre of water into one side of the tray and waited 10 minutes to wait as see if our dams were successful in their purpose. Finally, we evaluated our dams and presented our findings to Year 5 and 6.

Year 6

Task - Create a dish for the soldiers returning home from the trenches.

We used Chromebooks to research what food people ate during World War 1 and some of the main ingredients available. We then shared our information with each other using Jamboard. We used our research and knowledge about WW1 and healthy bodies to plan a meal that we would make for the soldiers. We created our meals using the ingredients available during World War 1 and were creative to ensure that our meals were as tasty as possible. Following on from our research, we made our meals involving WW1 rations. First, we gathered all of our ingredients to be prepared. It was important to ensure our workplace, utensils and ingredients were clean. After this, we diced and sliced the vegetables to a uniform size for a similar cooking time. We added the vegetables to the slow cooker with our vegetable stock. However, we didn’t add the beef at this point due to diet requirements of the class. For those who eat Halal, we used suitable alternatives and added the “bully beef” for the children who are able to eat non-Halal food. We then reviewed how successful our meals were by eating and sharing our dish with other classes to find out their opinions.