Mental Health and Well-being
At Whitehill Primary School, we are committed to supporting the wellbeing and emotional health of our pupils.
We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support.
Promoting pupil wellbeing is more than just helping children to achieve academically. A child's wellbeing could be the key to their current and future happiness. With this in mind, we are determined to support our pupils at Whitehill Primary School in every way possible, to ensure that they are provided with the best start to their life and are fully equipped with the tools to manage their thoughts, emotions, and wellbeing.
We feel the social and emotional skills, knowledge and behaviours that children can learn in our school can help them build resilience and set the patterns for how they will manage their mental health throughout their lives.
We provide many resources and activities to support our pupils wellbeing. We have Forest School, trained ELSA's, PSHE lessons, half termly Wellbeing days, a School Counsellor and Parent Hub to name a few.
We also work closely with a variety of external services to provide further support where and when necessary.
Whitehill Wellbeing Day 2024-25
Celebrating Difference
Friday 29th November 2024
We held our half termly Wellbeing day on Friday. As a school we look forward to this one.
We enjoy celebrating each other and what makes us who we are. We love sharing our cultures and experiences with our peers and teachers.
We completed an activity where we compared our similarities and differences with our classmates.
We then share food and activities from our families, traditions and cultures.
Being Me
Friday 11th October 2024
We had our first Wellbeing day of this school year on Friday 11th October 2024. We spent the day celebrating 'being me'.
The children and staff came to school in outfits that they felt most 'YOU' in.
All classes watch the video of the story 'The Reflection in Me'. The children then completed a jigsaw piece centered all around 'Being Me'
Whitehill Wellbeing Day 2023-24
Friday 10th May 2024
To celebrate this terms Wellbeing day all children and staff took part in a fabulous day of team building activities provided by a company called 'One Adventure'. The children had the chance to work and solve problems alongside their peers and teachers.
Dreams and Goals
Friday 9th February 2024
To celebrate this terms Wellbeing day all children and staff came to school dressed as what career they would like to be a part of when their older.
We had lots of different jobs from Nurses to Make up Artists to Joiners.
All classes watched a video of the story by Dr Seuss 'Oh, the Places you'll go' and talked about how they can achieve their dreams and that they may meet many problems or obstacles along the way, but its about how we act to solve these problems.
Celebrating Difference
Friday 17th November 2023
On Friday we finished celebrating Anti-bullying week with our Wellbeing day for this half term. The theme was 'Celebrating Difference'. We welcomed the children to come to school dressed in anyway they wish to celebrate their differences. This could have been simply non-uniform, different sport clothes or clothes from the many different heritages we have at school. We also gave the children the opportunity to celebrate and be proud of their differences by letting them bring in voluntary donations of food from there home or talk about their heritage.
We had lots of donations of food from all over the world. You could say the children had a feast of food.
It was a day to celebrate, share and to be together. All the children and staff enjoyed learning about the many different heritages and cultures we have at Whitehill.
Being Me
Friday 13th October 2023
On Friday we had the first of our Wellbeing days for this school year. The theme was 'being me' where the children had the chance to celebrate all the things that make them who they are. The children took part in lots of fun activities, including looking at the world map as a class and discussing where they are from. The children discussed what makes them different to their peers and what makes them unique.
Whitehill Wellbeing Day 2022-23
Changing Me
Friday 30th June 2023
Friday 30th June we celebrated our last Wellbeing day of this school year, our topic was 'Changing Me'.
The day was spent looking at how we change from being a baby through art and writing activities.
There was a quiz called 'Name the Baby' where the children had to decide the teacher.
Mrs McDonald went round school and got the children to try baby food and snacks, to see how our taste buds change as we grow.
Building Relationships
Friday 19th May 2023
Throughout the day, the children took part in team building exercises. Each class took part in Lego therapy, a social development program that uses Lego activities to support the development of a wide range of skills. The Lego therapy encourages positive social interactions between those taking part. This makes it a great activity for developing team building and problem solving skills.
The children had lots of fun competing the activities.
Healthy Me
Friday 24th March 2023
Today was our half-termly Wellbeing day. Classes looked at all the habits we need to stay healthy, such as: hygiene, medicine, mindfulness, obeying safety rules and regulating our emotions. Each child had the chance to make a stress ball to keep.
Dreams and Goals
On Friday 10th February 2023 we held our next wellbeing day. We focused on the theme 'Dreams and Goals'.
In class, all children were given a picture of a dream jar where they were able to either draw or complete a piece of writing all about their dream job.
Following on from this, in the afternoon we held our first 'Dreams and Goals' job fair. We had experts from different careers come in and the children were able to ask questions and complete some hands on activities. There was a hairdresser, a nurse, a surgeon, the Fire brigade, a dentist and a baker.
Celebrating Difference
On Friday 2nd December 2022, we had our second Wellbeing day. Each class chose a minority country represented in their class and planned an art activity/ cooking activity linked to that culture. We have had lots of different foods brought in from parents.
Mrs McDonald then visited each class to do some meditation activities and breathing exercises, this is so pupils could bank some self-calming strategies to help with their well-being.
Being Me
On Friday the 21st October 2022, we had our first half termly Wellbeing day. The theme was, 'Being me'. In order to celebrate this we had a non-uniform day where all pupils dressed in their favorite outfit.
There were also lots of activities taking place throughout the day which encouraged pupils to discuss and think about who they are including each class having a world map and each child discussing where different members of their family lives.
Every child decorated a paper hand. They had to included pictures, words and patterns all related to the theme 'All about me'. the hands our now displayed on our Wellbeing Board in school.
Whitehill Wellbeing Board
Have you seen our Wellbeing board in the entrance hall?
The Pastoral team display useful mental health information and the wellbeing activities completed in school on our wellbeing days.
Autumn Term
How fabulous does our wellbeing board look at the moment?
The children's decorated hands are displayed at the moment. They had to included pictures, words and patterns all related to the theme 'All about me'.
We also have a pocket hug tree near the board at the moment. Last school year the then year six pupils decorated hearts for others to take if they need a pocket hug or positive encouragement.