Whitehill Street West, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1PB

0161 4802142

Whitehill Primary School

Together we Shine Academically, Personally & Socially

Christmas raffle results


Prize Winning Ticket Number Prize Claimed
1st Prize - £200 1401 Claimed
2nd Prize - £100 Amazon Vouchers 1277 Claimed
3rd Prize - £50 Asda Voucher 0581 Claimed
4th Prize - Christmas Dinner Hamper 0093 Claimed
5th Prize - PLouise Hamper 1528 Claimed
6th Prize - Speed Lego Champions 0032 Claimed
7th Prize - Hot Chocolate Hamper 1189 Claimed
8th Prize - Ladies Pamper Hamper 1533 Claimed
9th Prize - Men’s Pamper Hamper 1883 Claimed


Welcome to Whitehill Primary School

On behalf of the whole school community, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Whitehill Primary School.

At Whitehill, we believe that every child has the right to a first-class education – one that inspires, challenges and motivates learners in all subject areas. You will see throughout our school the motto “Shine like a Star”, which is used to inspire our children to aim high and celebrate their successes. We encourage each child to Shine Academically, Shine Personally and Shine Socially in order to be success in their education, but also a successful member of the community in a modern Britain.

As part of our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum, we offer a wide range of enrichment to our children. We are proud to have our own minibus, which is used to take learning outside of the classroom and provide ‘hands-on’ learning experiences. Our minibus is also used for the vast number of sporting events that we are involved in. We are also delighted with our Forest School area, which is used by all classes throughout the year and develops great skills and risk-taking, whilst introducing the children to the natural world around them.

We have high expectations of all our children in regards to their behaviour and attitudes to work. This is celebrated around school through: the work of our School Councillors; presentation and good work displays; and our weekly celebration assembly, where two children from each class are celebrated for their high standards of work and behaviour. Visitors often comment on just how calm and productive our learning environments are in school.

As a school, we recognise that some of our children (or families) need additional support at times: we have a fantastic team of staff who work closely with our children and provide the support they need (whether academic, social, emotional or behavioural). Our Learning Mentor works closely with our families and we are delighted to have both a Play Therapist and Speech & Language Therapist for those children who require more specialist support.

Without doubt, it is our children that makes Whitehill a special place to learn. Our children continue to demonstrate their incredible resilience, confidence, respect and tolerance – preparing them well for the diverse community we live in. It is because of the children and the achievements we have made so far, that I am so proud to say that I am the Headteacher at Whitehill Primary School.

I hope you enjoy looking at our ever growing website to see what makes Whitehill so special. However, a website can never replicate the feeling inside a school, so if you would like to see the school first-hand, you will always be made welcome.

Mr Steven Hall


Latest Whitehill Calendar Events

Half-Term Holidays17Feb2025

Parental Conversations03Mar2025

3:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Parental Conversations04Mar2025

3:30 pm - 6:00 pm

World Book Day06Mar2025

Science Week10Mar2025

Calendars page(s): Whitehill Calendar >>

Latest News

  • Well done to Year 3 who achieved an attendance of 97% or above this week, so therefore, will have a non-uniform day the first Friday back after half-term (Friday 28th February 2025).
  • Unfortunately, no class achieved attendance of 97% or higher this week, so therefore, no class will have a non-uniform day next week.
  • Unfortunately, no class achieved attendance of 97% or higher this week, so therefore, no class will have a non-uniform day next Friday 7th February.
  • Well done to Year 3 who achieved an attendance of 97% or above this week, so therefore, will be having a non-uniform day next Friday (31st January).
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