School Events
2024-2025: Look at what has been happening in our school this academic year!
Safer Internet Day 2025
As part of Safer Internet Day 2025, which took place on the 11th of February, we have been actively engaging students with a series of activities focused on e-safety throughout this week. Notably, we held two dedicated assemblies that addressed the vital theme ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online’.
This year’s initiative, coordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre, aims to empower young people to recognise and combat online scams while fostering discussions around their experiences and strategies for protection. As technology evolves, we will also explore how innovations like generative AI affect the landscape of online threats. Safer Internet Day continues to be an essential celebration of digital safety, involving thousands of organisations and promoting responsible technology use for our students.
We all really enjoyed art week (w/c:20/01/25). Our theme this year was "Recycling and the Ocean". Each class looked at a different subject area and created some super pieces of art work using their creativity and sustainable materials. The slideshow underneath shows off our class display boards and art work display areas.
It was great to see a number of children talking about books and buying some at our recent book fair.
2023-2024: Look at what has been happening in our school this academic year!
Mental Health Awareness Week May 2024
The week of 13th May 2024 was Mental Health awareness week and the theme was using movement to help support our mental health and wellbeing.
As a school we celebrated the week in Forest School, by turning the Forest into a gym.
We had exercise cards to follow. They showed us how to use the natural environment to movement and develop our fitness levels, motor skills and support our mental health. We also talk about how being outside amongst nature can help support our mental health and some children took part in tree hugging
Christmas 2023 Productions
Anti Bulling Week 13th November2023 - 17th November 2023
To kick start our Anti-Bullying week at Whitehill we had a day of wearing odd socks. This was to show that not one person is the same and we should celebrate our differences.
The theme this year for Anti-Bullying week was 'Make some noise'. To make some noise at Whitehill we designed Anti-Bullying posters that are displayed around school.
Our Wellbeing day on the Friday of this week linked to Anti Bullying week, we celebrated differences. You can see what we got up to on the Pastoral pages.
World Mental Health Day 10th October 2023
We celebrated World Mental health day at School by all wearing Yellow. Everyone looked positively glowing in all the different shades of yellow.
In our classrooms we watched a film about talking about mental health and how important it is to speak out and talk about how we feel.
2022-2023: Look at what has been happening in our school this academic year!
Mental Health Awareness Week
15/05/23 - 19/05/23
This week the school celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week, which this year focused on Anxiety and ways we can control our strong emotions.
We began the week with a non-uniform day where we asked the children to dress in something green. The children all looked gorgeously glowing in green.
Throughout the week the children took part in lots of mindfulness activities both in the classroom and in Forest School. In class the children had a mindfulness calendar they had to follow, with a different activity each day. The children also had to check in each day with their class teacher, rating how they felt.
In Forest School all activities were linked to Mental Health and Wellbeing. We hugged trees, played with mud, completed sensory hunts and had time with our peers in the outdoors which is proven to help our Mental Health.
King Charles III Coronation
May 2023
At Whitehill we celebrated the Coronation for a full week.
We completed lots of different activities in the classrooms and Forest School.
We learnt all about King Charles and looked into what a Coronation is.
Then On Friday 5th May, Whitehill hosted a Royal Garden Party for the children. In true British fashion, the weather decided not to be on our side and we had to move our party inside.
All the children dressed for the occasion and wore fabulous outfits with some incredible hats.
The afternoon consisted of garden games, refreshments and cake.
Comic Relief 17th March 2023
Whitehill Primary School celebrated Red Nose Day. We dressed up as Little Miss's or Mr Men, or wore red, all in aid of Comic Relief.
We raised £92.75.
Thank you for your support.
Valentine's Disco at Whitehill
Children's Mental Health Week 6th February - 12th February 2023
The theme for this year's Mental Health week was 'Let's Connect'.
We kicked off our week with a non-uniform day on the Monday. The children were encouraged to come to school in clothes they could be active in and this was because we all know that being active plays a big part in looking after our mental health.
There were lots of activities taking place throughout the week to encourage togetherness and the forming of friendships. Some activities included reading books, such as, 'Invisible String' and playing 'Let's Connect' bingo.
We were very lucky because we ended the week of celebration with one of our fabulous Wellbeing days. The theme for this terms Wellbeing day was ' Dreams and Goals' and we were very lucky that we used our connections with the local community to have some important visitors in for our first Whitehill jobs fair. You can find out more about our Wellbeing day in the Pastoral section of the website.
Anti Bullying Week 2022
This year for Anti Bullying week we held a poster competition.
Children were asked to make a Anti Bullying poster and the winners would winner a prize and their poster would be displayed around school.
We also kick started Anti Bullying week off with the traditional odd socks day.
2021-2022: Look at what has been happening in our school this academic year!
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
June 2022
To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at Whitehill we had a week jam packed of activities.
We started off the celebration with a trip down memory lane. All children and staff dressed up as one of the decades the Queen has been on the throne.
Throughout the rest of the week we completed activities based on the Queen and her reign.
We planted a time capsule in Forest School. Each class provided a piece of work to be put in the capsule.
The whole school then finished the week off by having a Jubilee tea party.
World Maths Day 2022
Wednesday 23rd March 2022
On Wednesday 23rd March 2022, we all celebrated World Maths Day.
We solved a Maths Mystery by using a range of Mathematical skills. We were given a scenario and we had to find out who the culprit was by solving Maths style problems. Each problem gave us a clue about the culprit, and once we solved all five, we could distinguish who the culprit was and solve the mystery.
In addition to the Maths Mystery, we took part in a Mathematical scavenger hunt. For the activity, we searched for mathematically interesting items from a list and took pictures of them. This activity was about discovery, creative thought, and looking at things from a different perspective, which are fundamental in Mathematics.
At the end of the day, we reflected on our learning and found out that Maths doesn’t just stay in the classroom, it is EVERYWHERE.
Glossop Carton's 40th Anniversary Tree Planting
March 2022
Over the last month, our Year Six pupils have been involved in a tree planting project to celebrate Glossop Carton's 40th anniversary. Representatives from Glossop Carton's on the Whitehill Industrial Estate attended school to donate the trees and to help with the planting, they were accompanied by photographers so look out for us in the local paper. We are very impressed by the hard work and resilience of our Year Six pupils, they have helped staff to dig over forty holes and move over a tonne of soil.
The Nursery and Reception children have also helped plant some over trees on the school site.
International Women's Day
Tuesday 8th March 2022
To celebrate International Women's Day the children completed activities in class centred around equality and the influence of women in STEAM.
Each class researched a different subject of STEAM and the women that have had a positive impact in that area. The children looked at the impact women have had on topics like chemistry, space and computing. Each class had to make a piece of creative art or fact file.
Children's Mental Health Week 2022
Monday 7th February 2022-Friday 11th February 2022
Children's Mental Health Week gave the school the chance to shine the spotlight on young people's mental health and wellbeing.
The children took part in a number of activities through the week based on the theme 'Growing together'. As a school we focused on wellbeing and emotions. The children reached for the stars and set a goal centred on their own wellbeing. Then on Friday we had a 'Dress to express' non-uniform day.
Children in Need
Friday 19th November 2021
For Children in Need this year we had one of our famous non-uniform days, we all dressed in something that made us feel happy.
School Council decorated a lot of biscuits so every child could have one.
We raised £191 for Children in Need. Thank you for your support that is an excellent amount.
Anti-Bullying Week 2021
Monday 15th November 2021- Friday 19th November 2021
This year to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week all the children took part in Odd Socks Day and decorated a kindness pebble.
For Odd Socks Day we all wore odd socks to show that everyone is unique. Some classes design their own odd socks using lots of bright colours and patterns.
Kindness Pebbles were made by all the children and staff. Pebbles were decorated and a kind quote or word was written on. We put all the kindness pebbles outside the school main entrance doors so all could see. They made the path at the front of school very colourful.
Look at the fabulous events we have previously had.