Whitehill Street West, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1PB

0161 4802142

Whitehill Primary School

Together we Shine Academically, Personally & Socially


Class Teacher- Mr. Mansbridge

Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Kausar

PPA Cover - Mrs. Finnigan

SENCO Lead - Miss Milnes





Year 4 Curriculum 

Please download our termly curriculum documents here for more information about what we will are learning and to see examples of our work.

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1
Spring 2  Summer 1  Summer 2
Year 4 Important information

Please click on the links below to find out important information about Year 4.


Timetable Long Term Planner Welcome Leaflet

Knowledge Organisers -

Autumn 1

Please click on the links below to find out important information about our topics for this half term.

 Art - Drawing.pdfDownload
 Computing - Working collabratively.pdfDownload
 DT - Adapting a recipe.pdfDownload
 French - Portraits.pdfDownload
 History - The Maya.pdfDownload
 Music - Rock and Roll.pdfDownload
 Science - Digestion.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Autumn 2

Please click on the links below to find out important information about our topics for this half term.

 Computing - Programming.pdfDownload
 DT Mechanical Cars.pdfDownload
 French - Getting Dressed.pdfDownload
 Geography - Rainforests.pdfDownload
 Music - Body Percussion.pdfDownload
 Science - Electricity.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Spring 1

Please click on the links below to find out important information about our topics for this half term.

 Y4-DT-KO-Digital-world-Mindful-moment-timer - Copy.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Spring 2

Please click on the links below to find out important information about our topics for this half term.

Showing 1-6 of 6

 Forest School - Monday Afternoon - Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2

Please send your child in appropriate clothing for the weather including footwear.



Tuesday: Indoor P.E.


Thursday: Outdoor P.E.

Please could the children have a PE kit in school all week as there are times when the timetable changes and our PE lessons move to another day. We will be having Indoor PE sessions on a Tuesday morning and Swimming will be taking place on Thursday afternoons.  If a PE kit has not been brought in, there is the consequence of missing break time.

Children need to bring their PE kits into school which can be left in school and taken home at the end of each half term for washing. Children will need to come into school in full forest school kits of long sleeve top, long trousers or leggings, and suitable footwear (ideally wellies).  

The P.E Kit should include black shorts, joggers/leggings, white t-shirt, zip up jumper and pumps/trainers. 

Please note that jewellery, should not be worn to school to prevent injury in P.E. Children with long hair will need a hair tie for P.E. 

If an incorrect PE kit has been brought in, a kit warning will be issued. Two consecutive kit warnings will result in a consequence of missing break time.

The children are encouraged to keep a roll on deodorant in their locker so that they can apply it when needed.

Image result for pe kit cartoon



The children will be given homework each week on a Friday to be returned by the Tuesday of the following week.  The homework will be used to consolidate the children’s knowledge of what has been covered in class or prepare for further learning. The homework will usually consist of a Maths and English task and a weekly spelling list. Homework will be set online. If you are having any issues with accessing homework, a paper copy can be provided.  If homework is not completed there is the consequence of missing break times the following day until it is completed.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a new way for teachers to encourage students and contact parents about their child's progress in class. It can be used online or downloaded as an app on iOS and Android devices. Please ask if you require a copy of your log in.
Image result for class dojo